Library sigpl2009
Basic definitions of type and term constructions using
inductive types and recursive function construction.
Mostly written by Gyesik Lee based on the lecture notes by Sungwoo Park.
Mostly written by Gyesik Lee based on the lecture notes by Sungwoo Park.
- Propositional Logic
- Natural deduction system
- Logical equivalence
- First-Order Logic
- Universal quantification
- Existential quantification
- Dataypes
- First-order logic with datatypes
- Inductive definitions
- Recursive functions
We use sections to distinguish several similar cases
We use propositional variables A, B, C, etc.
Sorts in Coq: there are three sorts
- Prop : representing the class of logical statements,
- Set : mainly used to describe data types and program specifications
- Type : the sort "Set" itself is of type "Type", more accurately of type "Type_0". Then Type_0 is of type Type_1, and so on.
Basic connectives are already implemented in Coq
Print conj.
Print and.
Print not.
Print and_ind.
Print and_rec.
Print and_rect.
Examples of inductive types and their induction principles.
- If an inductive type is defined then some induction principles related to the inductive type are also automatically generated.
- The induction principle corresponds to the elimination rules and will be used afterwards as the bases of the tactics such as induction or elim.
natural = nat
Print nat.
The introductio rule for implication is a special case of dependent product types and already implemented in Coq.
The tactic "intro" corresponds to introduction rule.
exact H.
"exact" means the exact proof term.
Lemma E_imp2 : A -> B -> A.
exact H.
Lemma E_imp3 : (A -> B) -> (A -> B).
intros H1 H2.
apply H1.
Lemma E_imp2 : A -> B -> A.
exact H.
Lemma E_imp3 : (A -> B) -> (A -> B).
intros H1 H2.
apply H1.
The tactic "apply" corresponds to elimination.
exact H2.
- Giving concrete names to the assumptions is recommended.
- It is better for the computational part, names chosen by Coq could cause confusion.
"elim" is based on the induction rule
along the line of the corresponding inductive type.
In this case, the elimination rule for the conjunction /\.
In this case, the elimination rule for the conjunction /\.
intros H3 H4.
exact H3.
elim H2.
exact H3.
elim H2.
"tauto" is a tactic which automatically proves
propositional tautologies.
Lemma E_imp_conj1' : (A -> (B -> C)) -> ((A /\ B) -> C).
intros H1 H2.
elim H2.
exact H1.
Lemma E_imp_conj1'' : (A -> (B -> C)) -> ((A /\ B) -> C).
Lemma E_imp_conj1' : (A -> (B -> C)) -> ((A /\ B) -> C).
intros H1 H2.
elim H2.
exact H1.
Lemma E_imp_conj1'' : (A -> (B -> C)) -> ((A /\ B) -> C).
tauto is relatively powerful.
Lemma E_imp_conj : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
Lemma E_imp_conj' : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
apply H.
Lemma E_imp_conj : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
Lemma E_imp_conj' : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
apply H.
"split" is a special case of the tactic "constructor"
where there is only one constructor for inductive types
constructor applies introduction rules for each constructor of an inductive type.
constructor applies introduction rules for each constructor of an inductive type.
exact H0.
exact H1.
Lemma E_imp_conj'' : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
apply H.
split; [exact H0 | exact H1].
exact H1.
Lemma E_imp_conj'' : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
apply H.
split; [exact H0 | exact H1].
" ;" is a kind of tactical, i.e., combination of
tactics which should be applied continuously.
[... | ... | ... ] depends on how may subgoals are created after the previous tactic.
[... | ... | ... ] depends on how may subgoals are created after the previous tactic.
Lemma E_imp_conj2 : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
apply H.
split; assumption.
Lemma E_imp_conj2' : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
Lemma E_imp_conj2 : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
apply H.
split; assumption.
Lemma E_imp_conj2' : ((A /\ B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C)).
left or right is the introduction rule
where there are two constructor.
Basic way of using proof tactics- bottom-up proof: introduction first, then elimination
- It is because a normalized proof has a form of a sandglass.
- Cf. The Sandglass Theorem.
The following example shows the the order of tactics
is important.
Admitted denotes that we assume that the claim is accepted.
assumption tries to find some assumptions whose type
matches exactly modulo beta-conversion to the conclusion.
But it is recommended to avoid using assumption if you want to have a more efficient proof terms. Instead, use exact.
The same holds for tauto or auto which will be introduced later.
But it is recommended to avoid using assumption if you want to have a more efficient proof terms. Instead, use exact.
The same holds for tauto or auto which will be introduced later.
Print True.
Print False.
Print False.
Elimination rule for True is not interesting.
Print True_ind.
Elimination rule for False is omnipotent
Print False_ind.
The following lemma is called "intuitionistic" falsehood rule.
Look at the induction principle for False
by using Print False.
A <-> B stands for A -> B and B -> A
Lemma and_true : A /\ True <-> A.
intro H; elim H; intros; assumption.
intro; split.
exact H.
exact I.
Lemma or_false : A \/ False <-> A.
Print not.
Lemma absurdity' : A -> ~ A -> False.
intros H1 H2.
unfold not in H2.
apply H2; exact H1.
Lemma absurdity'' : A -> ~ A -> False.
intros H1 H2.
contradiction looks for a assumption
which is equivalent to False
Triple negation is equivalent to one simple negation.
Lemma triple_non : ~ ~ ~ A <-> ~ A.
split; intro H1.
intro H2.
elim H1.
intro H3.
intro H2.
End propositional_logic.
Print shows the proof terms constructed
by exactly following the term construction rules.
Elimination rule for conjuction
Compare E_conj with and_ind.
lambda abstraction corresponds to fun syntax in Coq
however ...
Lemma alpha_conv' : forall x: Prop, x -> forall y:Prop, y.
Lemma E_imp5 : A -> A.
intro x; assumption.
Print E_imp5.
Lemma E_imp5' : A -> A.
"auto" has the ability of using proved lemmas from
the uploaded library.
Print E_imp5'.
Lemma or_left : A -> A \/ B.
intro x.
exact x.
Print or_left.
Lemma or_right : B -> A \/ B.
Check or_ind.
Lemma truth : True.
exact I.
Print truth.
Lemma falsehood : False -> C.
intro e; elim e.
Print falsehood.
Check False_ind.
End proof_terms.
Print E_imp5'.
Lemma or_left : A -> A \/ B.
intro x.
exact x.
Print or_left.
Lemma or_right : B -> A \/ B.
Check or_ind.
Lemma truth : True.
exact I.
Print truth.
Lemma falsehood : False -> C.
intro e; elim e.
Print falsehood.
Check False_ind.
End proof_terms.
Loading standard or personal libraries are
sometimes necessary
Constructors for natural numbers are O and S
Print nat.
Constructor for boolean values are true and false.
Don't confuse them with True and False.
Don't confuse them with True and False.
Section universal.
Print eq.
Check (@eq nat).
Lemma zero_zero : 0 = 0.
Lemma one_one : 1 = 1.
and so on, however how to prove
n = n for all natural numbers?
We need quantification.
We need quantification.
This means that n is arbitrary, but fixed.
substitution is already implemented
Variables A B : nat -> Prop.
Lemma all_and :
(forall x:nat, A x /\ B x) ->
(forall x:nat, A x) /\ (forall x:nat, B x).
intro H; split; intro x.
cut (A x /\ B x).
apply H.
elim (H x).
End universal.
exists (x:A), P = ex A (fun x:A => P x)
Theorem ex_imp_ex :
forall (A : Type) (P Q :A -> Prop),
(exists x, P x) -> (forall x:A, P x -> Q x) -> (exists x, Q x).
intros A' P Q H H0.
elim H.
intros a H1.
exists a.
Instantiation of a concrete example. Then a proof that
the instnatiation satisfies the required property should follow.
apply H0.
exact H1.
Lemma exnot_notall :
(exists x, ~ A x) -> ~ forall x, A x.
intro H1.
intro H2.
elim H1.
exact H1.
Lemma exnot_notall :
(exists x, ~ A x) -> ~ forall x, A x.
intro H1.
intro H2.
elim H1.
This corresponds to ex_ind
Section examples.
Variables A B : Type.
Print nat.
Print eq.
Check (@eq nat).
Lemma eq_reflexive : forall x:A, x = x.
intro x; reflexivity.
Check refl_equal.
Lemma eq_transitive : forall l m n : A, l = n -> n = m -> l = m.
intros l m n H1 H2.
rewrite H1.
rewrite H2.
Check trans_equal.
Lemma eq_transitive' : forall l m n : A, l = n -> n = m -> l = m.
intros l m n H1 H2.
subst l.
Check sym_eq.
Print le.
Print lt.
Print le_n_Sn.
Lemma le_n_Sn' : forall n:nat, n <= S n.
intro n.
apply le_S.
apply le_n.
Lemma le_n_Sn'' : forall n:nat, n <= S n.
intro n.
constructor 2.
constructor applies the constructors used for
the definition of inductive types.
Lemma le_n_Sn3 : forall n:nat, n <= S n.
intro n.
repeat constructor.
Lemma eq_not_lt : forall n m, n = m -> ~ n < m.
intros n m H.
apply le_not_lt.
rewrite H.
Lemma le_n_Sn3 : forall n:nat, n <= S n.
intro n.
repeat constructor.
Lemma eq_not_lt : forall n m, n = m -> ~ n < m.
intros n m H.
apply le_not_lt.
rewrite H.
rewrite corresponds to eq_ind.
Lemma eq_not_lt' : forall n m, n = m -> ~ n < m.
intros n m H1 H2.
subst n.
unfold lt in H2.
Lemma eq_not_lt' : forall n m, n = m -> ~ n < m.
intros n m H1 H2.
subst n.
unfold lt in H2.
Unfolding definitions.
Nat predicate
Inductive Nat : nat -> Prop :=
| Zero : Nat 0
| Succ : forall n:nat, Nat n -> Nat (S n).
Check Nat_ind.
Lemma Nat2 : Nat (S (S 0)).
apply Succ.
apply Succ.
apply Zero.
Lemma Nat2' : Nat (S (S 0)).
repeat constructor.
Lemma Nat_all : forall x:nat, Nat x.
intro x.
induction x; constructor; try assumption.
Lemma Nat_eq : forall x:nat, Nat x -> exists y, Nat y /\ x = y.
intros x H.
exists x; split.
exact H.
Check sym_eq.
Lemma not_zero_succ : ~ (exists x:nat, x = 0 /\ x = S 0).
intro H.
elim H.
intros x H1.
elim H1.
intros H2 H3.
subst x.
elim eq_not_lt with 0 1.
exact H3.
unfold lt.
apply le_n.
End examples.
Print Nat_eq.
Print not_zero_succ.
- > : function type is a special case of \Pi (x:A). B where x does not occur free in B
Print prod.
Print fst.
Print snd.
sumbool : if ... then ... else
if...then...else is a case distinction based on inductive types which has exactly two constructors.Print sumbool.
Check eq_nat_dec.
Lemma eq_bool_dec : forall t s : bool, {t = s} + {t <> s}.
double induction t s.
left; reflexivity.
right; discriminate.
discriminate compares the head of terms.
The comparison is made purely syntactically.
That, different name, then different.
That, different name, then different.
right; discriminate.
left; reflexivity.
left; reflexivity.
There is a difference between Qed and Defined.
Qed makes the proof opaque while Defined makes it transparent.
This difference will be clear when one wants to use some information from proofs.
In this tuturial, however, not discussed in detail.
Qed makes the proof opaque while Defined makes it transparent.
This difference will be clear when one wants to use some information from proofs.
In this tuturial, however, not discussed in detail.
Some functions on boolean values from the library Init.Datatyes
Print orb.
Print andb.
Print implb.
The following two definitions are equivalent.
Fixpoint neg_bool (n:nat) : bool :=
if n then false else true.
Fixpoint neg_bool' (n:nat) : bool :=
if (eq_nat_dec n 0) then false else true.
Eval compute in (neg_bool 0).
Eval compute in (neg_bool 1).
Eval compute in (neg_bool' 0).
Eval compute in (neg_bool' 1).
Recursive definition of a function is always made
along the line of an inductive type.
When there are more than one inductive types in arguments,
then the argument on which the recursion is based should be
mentioned concretely by using struct
Fixpoint plus' (n m : nat){struct n} :=
match n with
| 0 => m
| S p => S (plus p m)
Print plus.
list is a polymorphic type
append is predefined in the List library
Print app.
Fixpoint append (A:Type) (l m : list A) {struct l}: list A :=
match l with
| nil => m
| a :: l1 => a :: app l1 m
length measures the lengths of lists.
Print length.
This part is already done above because in CIC, everything has a type.
"less than" is already defined, but new, equivalent definition is
of course possible.
Print lt.
Print le.
Inductive LT : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| Zlt : forall n, LT 0 (S n)
| Slt : forall n m, LT n m -> LT (S n) (S m).
Elimination rule for LT
Check LT_ind.
Lemma LT_n_Sn : forall n, LT n (S n).
induction n; constructor; try assumption.
Lemma LT_S_m : forall n m, LT n m -> LT n (S m).
intros n m.
induction 1; constructor.
lt and LT are equivalent
Lemma lt_LT : forall n m : nat, n < m <-> LT n m.
unfold lt.
intros n m; split.
induction 1.
apply LT_n_Sn.
apply LT_S_m; exact IHle.
induction 1 as [ | n m H IH];apply le_n_S; [apply le_O_n | assumption].
induction ... as ... | ... uses the introduction patter
for variables and assumptions which should be introduced.
Attention: In the name of a theorem,
O is the capital alphabet O, not the numeral 0.
elimination of LT
Lemma not_LT_m_O : forall (m:nat), LT m O -> False.
intros m H.
cut (m < O).
apply lt_n_O.
elim lt_LT with m O; intros.
exact (H1 H).
Lemma not_LT_m_O' : forall (m:nat) (P:Prop), LT m O -> P.
intros m P H.
elim not_LT_m_O with m.
exact H.
eq is a polymorphic type which stands for the
equality modulo beta-conversion of two terms of the same type.
Print eq.
Definition Eq := @eq nat.
Inductive EQ : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| Zeq : EQ O O
| Seq : forall n m, EQ n m -> EQ (S n) (S m).
Eq and eq are equivalent
Lemma EQ_n : forall n, EQ n n.
induction n as [ | n IH]; constructor; apply IH.
Lemma Eq_EQ : forall n m : nat, Eq n m <-> EQ n m.
unfold Eq.
intros n m; split.
induction 1.
apply EQ_n.
induction 1.
exact (refl_equal O).
rewrite IHEQ.
Lemma not_EQ_S_O : forall m, ~ EQ O (S m).
Lemma not_EQ_O_S : forall m, ~ EQ (S m) O.
Each inductive type usually has induction principles
for each sort: Prop, Set, Type.
The induction principles will be automatically created by Coq when an inductive type is defined.
The induction principles will be automatically created by Coq when an inductive type is defined.
Some examples of proofs using induction.
however, eq don't need induction
Lemma Exp1' : forall n : nat, n = n.
intro n; exact (refl_equal n).
Lemma Exp2 : forall x y z : nat, x = y -> y = z -> x = z.
intros x y z H1 H2.
rewrite H1; rewrite <- H2.
However, rewrite tactic use an induction on eq.
Look at the proof term of Exp2 such as eq_ind.
Working with EQ, we need induction
the following proof differs from that of the text
Note that we start with induction on the first premise instead of using induction on x.
This corresponds to Section 4.8 Induction n predicates
Note that we start with induction on the first premise instead of using induction on x.
This corresponds to Section 4.8 Induction n predicates
induction 1.
destruct z; intro H1.
elim (not_EQ_O_S) with m.
exact H1.
apply IHEQ.
inversion H1.
inversion derives all necessary conditions for each
constructor of an inductive type.
exact H3.
Compare Exp2 and Exp2'
Print Exp2'.
Print Exp2.
Caution: the following way should be handled with care
It also demonstrates that arbitrary use of "intros" could cause problems.
It also demonstrates that arbitrary use of "intros" could cause problems.
admit is a tactic to assume that a case is resolved.
In this case we used admit since it is easy to prove.
But the next inductive case is problematic.
In this case we used admit since it is easy to prove.
But the next inductive case is problematic.
induction z.
and ???
here is the solution
The problem above is caused by the position of "z"
that is, it is general enough.
If you use "intro z" then it means that "z" is arbitrary, but it is fixed. But the proof above demands that some induction hypothesis should hold for "all z".
That is z is made fixed too early, and we need to revoke the introduction of z.
If you use "intro z" then it means that "z" is arbitrary, but it is fixed. But the proof above demands that some induction hypothesis should hold for "all z".
That is z is made fixed too early, and we need to revoke the introduction of z.
generalize z; clear z.
or simply use generalize dependent z.
now we can do the same proof as for Exp'
induction H.
Lemma lt_le : forall n p : nat, n < p -> n <= p.
unfold lt.
intros n p H.
induction H.
repeat constructor.
exact IHle.
The following lemma shows why induction on inductive predicates
is important.
Lemma lt_le' : forall n p : nat, n < p -> n <= p.
unfold lt.
intros n p H.
induction n. admit.
induction p.
elim (le_Sn_O (S n)).
exact H.
This section corresponds to Section Conversion Strategies
in Coq'Art
There are 4 conversion forms of reductions to perfom:
- beta to reduce all expressions of the form "(fun x : T => e) v",
- delta to reduce definitions of constants and functions,
- iota to reduce pattern matching expressions and recursive functions,
- zeta to reduce expressions of the form "let x = v in e".
Lemma simpl_pattern_example : 3 * 3 + 3 * 3 = 18.
simpl (3 * 3) at 2.
lazy beta iota delta [mult].
cbv beta iota delta [plus].
Lemma simpl_pattern_example' : 3 * 3 + 3 * 3 = 18.
simpl; reflexivity.