초청강연(1) - 사회 : 허충길 교수(서울대학교)

발표 Bernd Burgstaller 교수(연세대학교) 시간 13:35-14:25
제목 Stream Program Orchestration for Multicore Architectures
요약 Stream processing is a programming paradigm where computations are expressed as independent actors that communicate via FIFO data channels. Stream programming languages facilitate application domains characterized by regular sequences of data, such as digital signal processing, audio, video, graphics and networking. Recently, the stream programming paradigm has been applied with real-time streaming analytics applications in the Cloud. Although stream programs contain an abundance of parallelism, obtaining an efficient mapping onto a parallel architecture is nevertheless a difficult problem.

In this talk we will discuss stream program optimizations that eliminate stream program bottlenecks and deploy stream graphs onto shared-memory multicore architectures. We employ a data rate transfer model which permits the computation of closed forms for data rate transfer functions of actors. A combinatorial optimization problem uses these closed forms to maximize the throughput of a stream program. Although this problem is inherently NP-hard, our 2-approximation algorithm achieves results close to the optimal solution. The talk will conclude with challenges and open problems for the deployment of streaming applications in the Cloud.

About the speaker

Bernd Burgstaller is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Yonsei University. He completed his PhD in static program analysis at the Vienna University of Technology in 2005 and continued as a postdoc at the University of Sydney until 2007. Before pursuing an academic career, Bernd Burgstaller worked in industry as programmer and software architect for Philips Consumer Electronics, Vienna.

초청강연(2) - 사회 : 최광훈 교수(연세대학교)

발표 배현섭 대표(슈어소프트) 시간 14:30-15:20
제목 Analysis and testing for mission critical software
요약 차량 ECU, 철도 신호제어, 원자력발전소 계측제어, 항공기 비행제어 등 mission critical 시스템에 탑재되는 소프트웨어의 오류는 인간의 생명과 직결된다. 따라서 엄격한 품질표준 및 규제기준을 준수해야한다. 국제 표준은 mission critical software에 대해서 다양한 리뷰, 분석, 테스팅을 요구한다. 이 발표에서는 mission critical software에 대한 국제 표준을 중심으로 분석 및 테스팅 요건을 살펴보고 이를 충족하기 위한 기술 및 도구를 사례 중심으로 설명한다. 또한 향후 필요 기술 및 발전 방향을 고찰한다.
